One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

Deuteronomy 8:3

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make scripture a daily habit

Many of us say that we want to hear from God. To know more about God. To understand our faith better.

But when it comes to reading our Bibles, it's difficult to find the time. Or to know where to start.

That's where EVERY WORD comes in. With a simple format, designed for real life, you can make Scripture reading a daily habit.

Read on below for more information about this practice, and click the button above to sign up to get daily emails to keep you in God's Word, every one of them.

two chapters, twice a day

EVERY WORD has a straightforward format: two chapters in the morning, and two chapters in the evening. Every morning and evening, you'll have one Old Testament chapter, and one New Testament chapter, for a total of four chapters per day.

Each day follows from the day before, so you'll read continuously through the Bible. But the beauty of EVERY WORD's format, based on a 19th century Scottish pastor's plan, is that the four separate chapters keep you always engaged.

If you've ever read through the whole Bible before, you know that it's difficult to keep up enthusiasm when you're in the middle of the less-exciting books (we're looking at you, Leviticus). But with EVERY WORD, you'll balance those chapters with chapters from the Gospels, or the historical epics, or the poetry of Psalms and Proverbs.

a plan designed for real life

We get it. The best of intentions is thwarted by a list of chores that needs doing, kids that won't sleep, or friends that show up unexpectedly. Even the most passionate plans hits the inevitable roadblock.

EVERY WORD gets that. Because there are four chapters per day following through four different books at any one time, there are plenty of on-ramps to get back in the saddle.

Say you miss a few days, for whatever reason. If you feel bad about jumping right back in, just wait a few days, and the EVERY WORD plan will start a new book, offering the perfect chance to get back into it!

Remember, the goal isn't perfection, but developing a daily habit to let God work in you.