Bread of Life: Gather. Savor. Share.
When the world feels heavy—divided and uncertain—hearts ache, minds seek peace, and souls hunger for hope. In these moments, the Bread of Life reminds us of abundance. There is enough love, grace, and hope for all.
In this Lenten worship series, we will remember how Jesus fed people—not just their bodies but their souls—with good news, redemption, and stories of God’s kingdom. From wedding feasts to meals with tax collectors to a hillside picnic for thousands, people left Jesus’ presence with full hearts and full bellies. Join us on this Lenten journey as we discover the sacred in the most ordinary bread; simple yet essential. Let's come to the Table and nourish our souls with Jesus—the Bread of Life!
Lent One: "Bread of Life" (John 6:25-40)
Lent Two: "Bread for Growth" (Luke 13:18-21)
Lent Three: "Bread for Each Day" (Matthew 6:9-13)
Lent Four: "Bread for Sharing" (Luke 14:7-14)
Lent Five: "Bread for Community" (Luke 19:1-10)
Holy Week
Palm Sunday: "Bread for the Road" (John 12:12-16, Luke 19:28-40)
Maundy Thursday: "Bread for Remembrance" (Matthew 26:26-29)
Good Friday: "Bread for Uncertainty" (Luke 23:26-56)
Easter Sunday: "Bread for Feasting!" (John 20:11-18, 21:1-17)